Cover photo for Leon Hanna Garabet's Obituary
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Leon Hanna Garabet

May 1, 1922 — February 8, 2014

Leon Hanna Garabet

May 1, 1922 — February 8, 2014

As remembered by grand daughter Briana Garabet
Hi my name is Briana and I stand here with my brothers Anthony, Mathew and Christopher. My dad is Tony Garabet, the youngest son of my Jiddo Leon.
My Jiddo was an amazing father and grandfather to all of us. He didn't speak a lot of English, and we didn't speak a lot of Arabic, but we still knew how much he loved us. He was always around us and always talking to us. One of my favorite memories of him was when he would show us magic tricks with coins. No matter how old we got we always loved coming to Jiddo's house to watch his magic tricks. Every time we would go to his house he would be the first one to the door always. Whenever he heard the doorbell he would literally jump up to answer the door.
Even though Jiddo's English vocabulary was small he always found words to express his feelings toward us. One of my favorite lines of his was "You good girl." Every time I saw him I knew he would say that.
More than just his greetings and magic tricks, he was the Patriarch of our family. He was an honorable man dedicated to serving his loved ones, his community, and his country. His generosity and compassion are what we remember most about him. He was a role model to all of us.
Though coming to our Tetas house would be the same without Jiddos warm greetings and kinds comments, we will always know that he is present. Our jiddo will always be watching over us and taking care of us.
Jiddo, we know you're in a better place now. I know how much you've been wanting to see your family again and we're so glad that you are reunited with them. You get to see your brothers, your mom and dad, Jeff and Zuzu. We love you so much and couldn't have asked for a better guardian angel to watch over us. Rest in peace Jiddo.

As remembered by grand son Steven Abouchedid
A wise man once said that "The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it" (William James). What this means is that when we live our lives, we should spend it working on something that will stay around, even after we die. Jiddo had 4 beautiful kids with his wife, and they had 15 grand kids. There is an entire family that he has left behind in America, and many more generations of family to come. He created a business to help support them and keep them on their feet. Now this is the legacy I aspire to leave behind. Jiddo will always be an inspiration in our lives as a man who worked hard in his lifetime and achieved something greater then he had ever imagined for him and his family.
This is not the first time we have lost someone dear to us. Ten years ago, we lost our other grandfather, Jiddo Zeidan, a strong father figure and supporter who did amazing things for his family as well. Today both of our Jiddos are gone, but what they have left for us will forever impact our lives. Without them there is no way that I would be standing here today. They are the cornerstones of what our lives are today. Our Christian faith and our Lebanese heritage are because of the influence they had on our parents. Even though they are gone today, their legacy will live on in us and in our children.

As remembered by grand daughter Tiana Abouchedid
It is amazing how a single person's life can change the course of many others. I remember a story that Jiddo told me when I was little. When he was 16 years old, he was in Lebanon swimming at the beach with his friends. He was in the water when the current started to pull him out, he was unable to swim back to shore and was stuck in the water for a very long time. He started to pray and said to God, "God, if it is your will that I die today, let it be, but if not please help me." The next thing he knew, a boat with two men dressed in white clothing pulled him out of the water, and he passed out. When he woke up, he was on the shore lying down, and he saw his friends running towards him frantically. They cried, "where have you been we have been looking for you everywhere." He said, " I was stuck out at sea and a boat with two men saved my life." His friends replied, "What are you talking about we have looking for you out at sea from the shore and we never saw a boat." Despite this, Jiddo knew that there was a boat, and he knew that that boat was sent by god. God was not finished with him just yet; he had much greater plans for his life. His plan was to marry Teta, have four amazing kids, and 15 grand kids.
Here we are, almost 80 years later at that same man's funeral. As I watched the blood rush out of his face, his pink skin turn white, and hear his breathing slow down, I knew he was entering the gates of heaven, reuniting with his mom, dad, brothers and sister. I know that he is now looking down on us, smiling knowing he did an amazing job with raising this family, and fulfilling the plan God had for him. I love him and I miss him very very very much. One day I know I will be with him again, pure, happy and forever at peace.

As remembered by granddaughter Pauline Garabet
My Jido played a big role in my life, by being an example of strength, happiness, courage, and love. He allowed love to flourish throughout our family.
I remember going to my grandparents house very often while growing up, and without a doubt jido was always there to teach me how to start off my day with love. He would walk me to his garden of flowers, help me pick out the most beautiful bunch, and would say to me "go give this to margo". And every time he told me to do this I would think about how much he loves his wife. He always put her first, and reminded his grandchildren to do the same. He was a selfless man who spent his life happily making others happy.
God know's how much he valued his family, because he allowed him to stay with us for as long as he could. I believe that we should rejoice in the fact that now, he is free, following the path that God laid for him.
When his time came, Jido took the Lords hand and left with him in Peace.
Revelations 21: 1-4 - Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth,"for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
That is where Jido is now, without pain, without tears, and without death and sadness.
The lord has Jido in his keeping, and we have him in our hearts forever. Let us be happy for he is resting in heaven, more alive than ever, watching over what he love's most, his family.

As remembered by his son Anise Garabet
ع قد ما منزعل على غيابو………
منفرح على طول عمرو ونوعية مسيرته الذاتية
عناوين كبيرة تميزت فيها حياتو
حياتو أللي شهدت مطبات...... وطلعات ونزلات………… ومغامرات………. ومفارق طرق لا تحصى ولا تعد
وكانت لشخصيتو المميزة تأثير كبير عليه وعلى عائلته وعلى الناس أللي حواليه
ليون كرابيت
عاش ٩١ سنة إشتغل ٨٠ سنة هاجر ٣ مرات........ فقد والدو وكان بعدو صغير...... ربى اخوته السبعة ......... ربى امو........ و مع زوجته ٤ ولاد و ١٥ حفيد
وفوق هذا كله ، ليون كرابيت، الكتائبي العتيق، حمل ع كتافو وطنه وقضية وطنه بكل ما للكلمة من معنى
مشوار طويل توجه بتحقيق كل أحلامه .............وصحيح إنو متل كل انسان .....ما بياخد معه شي.... ولكن ترك ذكريات حلوة .....و أثار ثمينة .... و أثر على حياة كتير من الناس ......والدني صارت أفضل بكتير .....لأنو ليون كرابيت مر من هنا....
ليون كرابيت الجوهرجي
أللي تميزت مواهبه بالإبداع والفن، ساهم بإنجاح أفخر مؤسسات الجواهر في العالم ....من نجيب طباع ببيروت ...... إلى "ديفيد ويب" في ال-5th افينو في نيو يورك ......وبالطبع "غولدن ستيت" ألي أسسها بلوس أنجلوس .......
وتميزت شخصيته بحسن الأخلاق .... بالتواضع ......بالمحبة ....بالتسامح...بالكرم....بخدمة الغير ....بالنشاط و بالعمل المتواصل اللي ما بيعرف حدود ......بحب المغامرة .....وتحدي المعقول ول مش معقول...
بلبنان كان معروف بالخواجة ليون ....... و كان لأخر يوم من حياتو..... مالئ الدنيا وشاغل الناس.....
وفي "غينيس بوك" اللبناني :

أقام في المدينة الرياضية في بيروت أول حفلة لمصارعة الثيران بتاريخ الشرق الأوسط سن1961 ....
عمر سنة 1962 أعلى بناية بيروت ١٤ طابق و-54 شقة .............سميت فيما بعد "بناية المشاكل" لم كان فيها لاجئين سياسيين من الدول المجاورة ................
سما أول شارع بإسم بيار جميل برغم كل المناكفات السياسية و الحركات المناوئة ....

مالئ الدنيا وشاغل الناس
أسس أول قسم وأول بيت للكتائب في أمريكا....
نظم أول مظاهرة لبنانية في نيو يورك ضمت ٥ الآف شخص أتوا من جميع الولايات للدفاع عن لبنان .....أرشيف التلفزيونات ونيو يورك تايمز بتشهد على ذلك ....
وفي كاليفورنيا أنشأ جمعية ALCRF...و كان ينظم fund raising......وكان كل ما يجمع 10 ألاف دولار.......يصرف من جيبتو عشرة تانية .....و يروح بعز الأزمة الإقتصادية علبنان.........و على خطوط التماس.......يدق أبواب الفقراء والمحتاجين ......يناولن مغلفات صغيرة ......
دايما يأتيني teen agers عمحل المجوهرات ..... ومعن حجرة ملونة ...... وبيسألوني ...where is Mr Leon ؟ ......أهداني هالحجر وبدي أعمل عليه خاتم .... كان يحب الأولاد الصغار ...يلعبهن و يعملهن سحر ........ كان يجمع ولاد ولادو كل christmas ويوزعلهن الهدايا .........وأحلى يوم عندو كان عيد الكبير وقت ما كانت العيلي كلها غرابيت وباشورا تعيد عندو بالبيت ........
وأخيرا لا أخرا.... ليون غرابيت و كما هو الأب المثالي أللي علمنا محبة الناس .....هو الزوج المثالي ومارغو بتشهد على الكلام.... وهي ألي عاشت معو 62 سنة ..... بالسراء وبالضراء ......بالفقر وبالغنى...... وكانت السند الفولاذي بالأيام الصعبة......... و كان لها اليد الطولى ....... بانتشال العيلي ..... من أشد الأزمات.....

يعني شفنا مارغو النمر ورا ليون الأسد ........ ساندته على كل مفرق طريق....... و اخر سنتين....... مافارقتو لحظة و يمكن وقت ما
خفت ذاكرته .....نسي كتير اشيا........ بس بقي يردد مارغو ....مارغو.... مارغو ......
مارغو اللي ما كان ينطر "فالنتاين" ليعطيها وردة بل كان كل يوم يقطفلها وردة من الجنينة.....
ليون و مارغو …… كانوا الدعامتين اللي عليهن ازدهرت العيلة و وصلت لما هي عليه اليوم .... مش بالمال، بل بالكرامة و محبة الناس ....
منعزيكن.... و منتعزى فيكن.... و منشكر حضوركن.... و انشالله خاتمة الأحزان للجميع ... و شكرا.....


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